The model is fast in performance, and the extra battery power keeps the machine charged for longer without having to factor in time plugged in. The Apple MacBook Pro has up to 4.1 GHz of TurboBoost, up to 3.2 gigabytes SSD read speeds, and up to 10 hours of battery life. This laptop fits into most bags with little trouble, making it easy to transport from place to place. The other is a 15-inch display that weighs 4 pounds and is 15.5 millimeters thick. The first option is a 13-inch display that weighs in at 3 pounds and is 14.9 millimeters thick. The MacBook Pro is available in two different designs, one slightly smaller than the other. What Designs Does the MacBook Pro Come In? Browse the many offerings eBay sellers have in their listings, at multiple price points, from new in box, to factory refurbishes, to used. Designed to weigh little and take up little desk space while still delivering on its internal specifications, these laptops bring Apples quality and aesthetic to the loved one who needs their computer to do some heavy lifting. Compact and Chic Computing: The Apple MacBook Proįor the loved one in your life who lives by their electronics, help them take their computing to the next level with a MacBook Pro.